Arnold Law Firm Blog

Why Car Accident Cases are Complicated, Even When Fault Seems Clear

Dealing with a car accident can be very complicated, particularly when there are disputes about fault. However, accidents can be complex even when the other driver seems clearly at fault. Clear liability can make it more likely for victims to obtain fair compensation for their injuries, but it doesn’t stop insurance companies from arguing about […]

How Insurers May Try to Prove You Were at Fault for a Car Accident

Car insurance companies are not on your side after an accident, no matter what you hear in TV commercials. They may try to claim you were at fault, or at least partially at fault, because of something you did or did not do before the crash. Below, learn more about how insurance companies may try […]

Why You Should Not Accept an Insurance Settlement Before Talking to a Lawyer

You can expect to be contacted by an insurance company after suffering an injury in a car accident. They may even offer a settlement, telling you they want to resolve things as quickly as possible. However, accepting that settlement offer could be a bad idea. If you have been injured in an accident, we recommend […]

Liability for a Motorcycle Lane-Splitting Accident

Lane-splitting – when a motorcycle passes a vehicle in the same lane – is legal in California. But, how safe is it? If an accident occurs while a motorcyclist is lane-splitting, can the rider be held liable? Determining Liability for Lane-Splitting Crashes When a lane-splitting accident occurs, the insurance companies will investigate who was at […]

What Happens When the At-Fault Driver’s Insurance Runs Out?

If you were injured in an accident and another driver is at fault, he or she is financially responsible for your damages. However, the other driver’s insurance coverage may run out before your medical bills and other expenses are fully covered. Fortunately, you may still have options, including filing a claim with your insurance company. […]

Ways Insurance Adjusters Try to Trick Accident Victims

You may talk to or receive a call from an insurance adjuster after getting hurt in a car accident. Even though this person may sound friendly, one of the adjuster’s objectives is finding information to deny your claim or devalue the damages you suffered. There are various tricks he or she may use to encourage […]

How Damage to Vehicles Could be Evidence in an Injury Claim

Damage to vehicles involved in a collision can provide information about how that accident occurred. After a car accident, your attorney may consult with an industry expert to inspect the damage to the vehicles involved in the collision. Getting this information can provide valuable insight into how the crash may have happened and who may […]

Dealing with the Trucking Company after an Accident

The weight and size of a commercial truck puts the occupants of passenger vehicles at serious risk if they are involved in an accident with one of these vehicles. These accidents commonly cause debilitating injuries and even death. If you were in a truck accident, you may have mounting medical bills because you need long-term […]

How Can a Police Report Be Used as Evidence in My Car Accident Case?

With any serious car accident, law enforcement should be called to the scene to assess the damage and interview everyone involved. The responding officer will prepare a report describing what happened and file it at the local precinct. This paperwork could be a critical piece of evidence in a car accident claim against the responsible […]

Is California Considered a Fault or No-Fault State for Car Accidents?

Every state is either an at-fault or no-fault state when it comes to financial responsibility for damages from a car accident. In fault states, the party who is responsible for causing the accident is also liable for the damages that he or she caused, up to the limits of his or her insurance policy. In […]

Motorcycle Safety: Ways to Prevent Blind Spot Accidents

Motorcycle accidents often cause devastating injuries. One common type of motorcycle accident involves other vehicles’ blind spots – when a motorcyclist rides in these areas, it is very difficult for the driver to see the bike and its rider. Drivers and motorcyclists alike must effectively check their blind spots to reduce the risk of blind […]

Do I Need to Give a Recorded Statement to the Insurance Company?

After a car accident, the insurance company will usually contact the injured party requesting a recorded statement about what happened. While providing a statement could speed up the claim process significantly, it could also hurt your chances of recovering a fair settlement. The insurance adjuster may contact you when you are still in recovery or […]