Sacramento Denture Adhesive Cream Injury Lawyers

Warning! Your denture cream may be making you ill.

As one of the 35 million denture wearers in the U.S., you may use an adhesive cream, such as Super PoliGrip or Fixodent, to hold your dentures firmly in place. But you may not know that those products could be making you extremely sick.

Please read carefully: If you use denture adhesive creams and have numbness and tingling in the hands, unexplained weakness or pain and paralysis, your denture cream could be the cause.

Severe nerve damage among some denture wearers has been linked to the zinc in denture adhesive creams. The makers of these denture products have been slow to admit any problems and the Food and Drug Administration has not required the manufacturers to disclose that they are putting your health at risk.

We believe its wrong that an everyday product like denture adhesive creams is harming people like you, and we believe the makers of those products should be held liable for the harm they’ve caused. That’s why Arnold Law Firm and its team of product liability attorneys are leading the national investigation into these products.

Call our experienced denture cream attorneys at (916) 777-7777 today or click here to submit your case to us for a free review.

Why Do Denture Adhesives Pose a Danger To Your Health?

Many denture creams contain the mineral zinc, which is absorbed through the gums or swallowed each time a denture user eats or drinks. A small amount of zinc is a necessary part of a balanced diet, but some users of denture creams have been found to have toxic levels.

Symptoms of zinc poisoning include vomiting, cramps, diarrhea and nausea. Excessive amounts of zinc can also disrupts the body’s ability to absorb copper and lead to hypocupremia, or copper deficiency. Patients with hypocupremia may have numbness in their hands or feet, unexplained pain or weakness, loss of coordination, poor balance and other signs of nerve damage.

Denture adhesive creams containing zinc have been linked to serious neurological disorders, including numbness, tingling in the hands and feet, unexplained weakness, poor balance, even paralysis. The symptoms are so serious in some patients that they have been forced to use wheelchairs.

Who Is At Greatest Risk From These Products?

About one-third of the 35 million denture wearers use adhesive creams. Users of ill-fitting dentures are at the greatest risk for zinc poisoning and neurological disease. There is a simple reason for that: they typically use more denture cream to create a snug bond.

A 2008 article in the journal Neurology reported on the research of scientists who studied four adhesive cream users with nerve damage. Those patients had been exposed to 330 milligrams or more of zinc daily, or 8 times the amount of zinc that adults can safely tolerate on a daily basis.

The untold story is that denture wearers may not even know they’re being exposed to the dangerous levels of zinc. The FDA does not require the manufacturers of denture adhesives to include warning labels about the risk of excessive zinc.

Contact Our Sacramento Denture Cream Injury Lawyers Today

Denture Cream Injury LawyerThe Sacramento personal injury lawyers of Arnold Law Firm believe these manufacturers have failed in their duty to warn consumers about the potential for zinc toxicity and the risk of nerve damage. We also believe they should be held accountable for the injuries that have been caused.

The Arnold Law Firm is committed to fighting for compensation for people injured by the use of zinc in denture creams. We will discuss your case free of charge and will only charge a fee if you receive compensation.

Call us at (916) 777-7777 today for a free review of your claim.