Understanding Road Rash Injuries From Motorcycle Crashes in Sacramento

back of motorcycle on road at nightThere are many steps motorcycle riders can take to reduce their risk of a catastrophic injury in a collision with a car. Unfortunately, nothing can change the fact that riders are more exposed than those in cars.

One of the risks that comes with being exposed is road rash. In a crash, riders could get thrown off their seats and onto the pavement, or they could go down with the bike, which could tear up their skin. Sometimes road rash is a minor injury, but it can have severe complications.

If you suffered a road rash injury in a Sacramento motorcycle accident, Arnold Law Firm may be able to assist you with seeking compensation.

Call (916) 777-7777 to discuss your situation today.

What Is Road Rash?

Road rash is an injury to the skin caused by friction with the road. You can think of this injury as a friction burn caused by scraping your skin on a rough surface. This is arguably the most common injury riders suffer in motorcycle crashes.

If you suffered a road rash injury, our Sacramento motorcycle accident lawyers may be able to help you seek compensation.

What Are the Different Types of Road Rash?

Road rash injuries can be divided into four types:

  • Abrasion – This occurs when the road scrapes away layers of skin, sort of like how sandpaper grates away wood.
  • Avulsion – This refers to the tearing of skin or the separation of one layer of skin from the layer underneath it.
  • Laceration – Severe cuts and deep gashes, also known as lacerations, occur when the road surface slices the skin.
  • Thermal burn – This is a burn caused by friction – friction generates heat, causing your skin to burn.

Severity of a Road Rash Injury

Road rash injuries are classified in degrees of severity, with first-degree road rash being the least severe and third-degree road rash being the most severe.

First-Degree Road Rash

Victims suffer minor damages, including:

  • Bruising
  • Redness
  • Scrapes
  • Light bleeding

First-degree road rash should heal on its own, although you need to watch for signs of an infection.

Second-Degree Road Rash

This is an injury that involves swelling and bleeding. The injury often radiates heat. In some cases, victims may see exposed tendons, muscles or nerves. Victims typically suffer scarring. The threat of infection is more pronounced with second-degree road rash.

Third-Degree Road Rash

With third-degree road rash, victims suffer shearing of the skin, and there is likely to be significant bleeding and swelling. The affected area may appear milky or shiny. There can also be exposed muscles, tendons, nerves and possibly bone. There is a significant risk of infection.

Complications Caused by Road Rash

The problem with road rash is it can come with severe, long-lasting complications, including:

  • Exposed bone or muscle tissue
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Severe pain
  • Life-threatening infection
  • Permanent scarring

When Do I Need Treatment For Road Rash?

Minor road rash injuries often heal in a few days or weeks. However, more severe injuries require medical treatment, especially if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Exposed bone or muscle
  • Pus draining from the wound
  • Foreign objects embedded in the wound
  • You have road rash covering most of your body or most of one of your limbs
  • Excessive bleeding

Watch for any signs of an infection, including:

  • Swelling
  • Foul odors
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Body aches
  • Redness that spreads out from the wound
  • Warmth emanating form the wound

How To Treat Road Rash From a Motorcycle Accident

Minor road rash injuries can be treated at home:

  • Wash the wound off with water
  • Remove any embedded foreign objects
  • Use antibiotic ointment to protect against infection
  • Use a bandage or sterile gauze and medical tape

However, you should not take any chances with a severe road rash injury. Doctors will know how to properly clean these wounds, remove foreign objects and take steps to lower the risk of an infection, such as:

  • Administering intravenous fluids
  • Using shock resuscitation
  • Skin grafts
  • Topical therapy that includes antiseptic or antimicrobial medications
  • Debriding the area, which means removing dead or unsalvageable tissue

Filing a Lawsuit or Insurance Claim For Road Rash From a Sacramento Motorcycle Accident

If you suffered road rash or another injury in a motorcycle collision caused by a negligent driver, you may be able to seek compensation from that driver’s liability insurance policy. However, you have the burden of proof in this type of claim. That means you must prove the other driver was negligent and link your injuries to that driver’s negligence.

This is why you should strongly consider hiring an experienced lawyer to guide you through the legal process. The attorneys at Arnold Law Firm can take numerous steps to build a robust case as we pursue maximum compensation. This may include:

  • Investigate the crash
  • Review your injuries to determine the severity of your injury and the likely cost of medical treatment
  • Take steps to preserve evidence
  • Consult experts to help us build your case, including accident reconstructionists, medical experts and more
  • Negotiate for fair compensation
  • Take your case to court if the insurance company does not offer the compensation you need
  • Keep you informed every step of the way

Call Arnold Law Firm To Discuss Legal Options After a Motorcycle Collision

Road rash injuries should always be taken seriously. If they are the result of a crash caused by another driver’s negligence, victims should explore their legal options.

The attorneys at Arnold Law Firm have secured millions for victims of motor vehicle crashes. These results include a $10.2 million verdict for a motorcyclist who was injured in a collision with a truck.

Our firm takes motorcycle crash cases on contingency, which means there are never any upfront costs. We do not get paid unless you receive compensation.

Give Arnold Law Firm a call today to learn more. Phone: (916) 777-7777.