Consumer Alert: Shiekh Shoes

NOTICE: If you are a resident of California and shopped online and purchased products from Shiekh Shoes with your personal credit card, contact the Arnold Law Firm at (916) 777-7777 to discuss your legal options or submit a confidential Case Evaluation form here.

In violation of California law, Shiekh Shoes, LLC (“Shiekh”) unlawfully requested, required, and recorded their customers’ personally identifiable information, including, but not limited to, their home address, email address, telephone number, and IP address (collectively “PII”), when they made purchases on Shiekh’s website using a personal credit card, during the past year. Shiekh then used their customers’ illegally obtained PII to aggressively market their products to shoppers without their consent.

The Song-Beverly Act is a consumer protection law intended to guard against invasions of consumer privacy, spam marketing, and other misuse of purchasers’ data by specifically prohibiting retailers from requesting and recording their PII in connection with a credit card transaction.

Shiekh is a major retailer in the shoe and apparel industry, with headquarters in San Bernardino, California. Founded in 1991, Shiekh has a thriving e-commerce business and more than 125 brick-and-mortar storefronts throughout the United States. The company earns roughly $100 million in annual revenue and employs about 400 individuals.

If you are a California resident and purchased items through Shiekh’s website located at (using a personal credit card beginning in September 2023), then you were the victim of Shiekh’s unlawful conduct. (Note: If you affirmatively opted in to receive marketing contact from Shiekh, you may not be a proper class member.)


Consumers’ PII including, but not limited to, the following data was required in combination with consumers’ credit card information to make a purchase on Shiekh’s website in violation of the Song-Beverly Credit Card Act:

  • Home Addresses
  • Telephone Numbers
  • E-mail Addresses
  • IP Addresses

By not only requiring PII from its customers, but using that information to aggressively market its products, Shiekh has flouted the Song-Beverly Credit Card Act and could face statutory penalties of $1,000 for each violation after the first.

NOTICE: If you are a resident of California and shopped online and purchased products from Shiekh Shoes with your personal credit card, contact the Arnold Law Firm at (916) 777-7777 to discuss your legal options or submit a confidential Case Evaluation form here.