Most Dangerous Intersections in Sacramento

intersection crashesIntersections can be deadly places. While car collisions can be caused by negligent drivers anywhere, dangerous intersections are common locations for accidents. Crossing collisions are the most typical type of intersection accident. These collisions happen when a vehicle navigates through or makes a turn across an intersection.

Poor intersection design can contribute to collisions. If drivers cannot see adequately because of obstructed views, they cannot determine whether it is safe to cross an intersection or not.

While it is up to the local or state government to determine the safety of an intersection, residents and drivers can bring forward suggestions for improvements. Separate turn lanes for vehicles turning left, larger traffic lights and on street-parking restrictions are some ways intersections may be made safer and improve visibility for drivers.

The following are the most dangerous intersections in Sacramento, according to the Sacramento Police Department:

  • Folsom Boulevard and Howe Avenue
  • Franklin Boulevard and Mack Road
  • North 12th Street and B Street
  • Mack Road and Valley High Drive
  • Elder Creek Road and Stockton Boulevard
  • Cosumnes River Boulevard and Bruceville Road
  • Franklin Boulevard and Fruitridge Road
  • Meadowview Road and 24th Street
  • Stockton Boulevard and Fruitridge Road

A known trouble spot may be a factor in a car accident lawsuit. Similar crashes over time at the same location may provide necessary evidence for making a legal claim.

When driving through a dangerous intersection, be sure to remain alert, wear your seatbelt and adhere to the rules of the road to stay safe. Avoid making turns across intersections with limited visibility to decrease the risk of being involved in an accident.

If you have been hurt in a car accident, contact the Sacramento car crash lawyers at the Arnold Law Firm right away.

Call (916) 777-7777 to schedule your free legal consultation with a personal injury lawyer in our Sacramento office today.