Can a Construction Company Be Liable for my Car Accident?

road-work-truck-conesRoad construction zones can be dangerous for workers and drivers alike, particularly when construction companies are negligent in trying to keep the area safe. Uneven roads, debris, trenches, bright lights, confusing detours, and workers being too close to the road can all lead to serious car accidents.

Determining whether the construction company holds any liability for your injuries can be very difficult without help from an experienced attorney. After reviewing some of the issues involved with road construction site liability discussed below, consider contacting Arnold Law Firm for a free consultation.

Construction Company Responsibilities in Road Work Zones

Construction companies are legally responsible for ensuring the safety of their work zones. The entity overseeing the project must take necessary precautions to reduce the risk for car accidents, such as:

  • Posting warning signs on the approach to the work area
  • Keeping equipment and debris off the road
  • Creating safe detours
  • Ensuring the road is safe for driving

If the construction company does not take appropriate steps, it could be held liable for damages suffered in a crash, such as collisions resulting from a tire blowout caused by nails in the road.

Who Can Be Liable for a Car Accident Caused by Construction?

Road construction projects typically involve several different parties who may potentially be held liable for a car crash in a construction zone:

  • The city or municipality – Sometimes accidents are the result of insufficient warning signs around the construction area, lack of proper barriers or medians, poorly-designed roads, damaged guardrails, unsafe surfaces, potholes or other damage to the road. If the crash occurred on a piece of land owned by the city or state, it could be liable for damages.
  • The product manufacturer – If the construction company unknowingly uses a faulty piece of equipment that somehow leads to road damage and causes an accident, the manufacturer of the equipment could be liable for damages.
  • Third-party claims – Construction companies often use outside contractors to help perform certain tasks on the worksite. If your accident was caused by the negligence of one of these third parties, you may be able to hold them accountable in what is known as a third-party claim. If multiple parties share liability for your accident, your lawyer may be able to recover compensation from each party.

If you have questions about liability for your road construction zone crash, the Sacramento car accident attorneys at the Arnold Law Firm are available to answer them.

Safety Tips to Prevent Car Accidents in Construction Zones

Heavy machinery, damaged roads and faulty equipment can contribute to car accidents. There are some practical steps you can take to reduce your risk of a crash when driving in a construction zone:

  • Pay attention to warning signs as soon as you see them
  • Follow all instructions, including reducing your speed and following detours
  • Maintain a safe distance from construction workers, other vehicles, cones and barriers and work equipment
  • Avoid making unnecessary lane changes
  • Stay focused and avoid distractions such as eating, using your cellphone or changing the radio station

Call a Qualified Attorney for Legal Assistance

Pursuing a claim for a car accident in a construction zone can be complicated. It is important to consult with a legal professional as you consider your legal options for seeking compensation.

Schedule a free case evaluation with the Arnold Law Firm. There is no obligation to hire us, and we don’t get paid until we recover compensation.

Call (916) 777-7777 to speak to a legal professional today.