What to Bring to Your First Meeting with a Personal Injury Lawyer

first meeting with lawyerIf you have been hurt in an accident, it is important to contact an experienced personal injury lawyer who can help you with your case. Case evaluations at the Arnold Law Firm are at no cost and come at no risk or obligation to you.

Most people have questions about this process, including what to bring with you when you meet a lawyer for the first time. To prepare and take full advantage of your initial consultation, bring the following documents if they are available to you. These items are ideal, but not a requirement for your initial appointment. If we take your case, our staff will assist with obtaining necessary documents and evidence to support your case.

Copy of the Police or Accident Report

A police report may have been filed if you were involved in an auto accident. If so, obtain a copy for your records and bring it to your consultation. If the police report isn’t ready, you may have access to the face sheet right away. This document provides important information, such as party names and insurance providers.

If available, the police report is valuable to your lawyer, because it is written from the objective viewpoint of the law enforcement officer. It may also contain additional useful information, such as whether the other driver was cited for a traffic violation.

If you were injured in another type of incident, such as a slip and fall in a store, you can request a copy of any accident report filed by the business owner or owner of the property. Having an official report of your injury can help support your case and possibly improve your chances of recovering compensation.

Photographs of the Accident and Your Injuries

Bring any photographs you may have of the accident scene, including your injuries and visible markings, any property damage sustained, torn or bloody clothing and anything else you believe was important to capture. This type of documentation can help the lawyer better understand the details of your accident.

Repair Estimate or Total Loss Document

If you have already received a repair estimate, bill or total loss document for your vehicle, bring it with you to your appointment.

Your Medical Records

If you suffered an injury that required medical attention, bring copies of any medical records you have related to the accident, such as:

  • Hospitalization records
  • Any records for doctor visits
  • Records of visits with therapists and psychologists
  • Copies of receipts for prescription costs
  • Medical bills

These records can show the type and extent of your injuries. We will help obtain additional medical records or facilitate waivers to release the information as needed.

Expenses Related to Your Injuries

You may have receipts for other expenses related to your injuries, such as physical therapy or transportation costs to get to medical visits, in-home care, crutches or other out-of-pocket expenses. Bring copies of documentation of any other expenses related to your accident. Request itemized receipts that show what each charge was for.

Wage Loss Information

You may have missed work for a period of time due to your injuries. This absence may be short-term, missing a few days or weeks after an accident. In other situations, the accident may have prevented you from returning to work at all.

You may be entitled to see compensation for the loss of your income. Bring the following financial information you may have to your meeting:

  • Pay stubs
  • Documentation from your employer showing your missed days
  • Documentation that shows benefits you had to use because of the accident, such as sick days or personal days
  • Tax returns

A List of Questions to Ask

You will likely have many questions for the lawyer. Before your initial consultation, write down a list of questions you want to ask to avoid forgetting anything. Some things you may want to ask include:

  • What is your experience with personal injury cases?
  • How long have you practiced in personal injury law?
  • What was the outcome in cases similar to mine?
  • Who will assist with my case?
  • Can you explain your fee structure?
  • How long will it take to resolve my case?
  • What other information do you need from me?

Contact the Arnold Law Firm to Learn More

An experienced attorney from the Arnold Law Firm can evaluate your case and explain your rights at no cost or obligation to you. During your consultation, you can also build rapport with the lawyer and see if you are comfortable working with him or her.

If you choose to hire one of our knowledgeable Sacramento personal injury lawyers, you will not be charged any legal fees unless and until we recover compensation on your behalf. 

Contact us today at (916) 777-7777 to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation.