Posted on behalf of Arnold Law Firm
on November 5, 2020 in Data Breach
Updated on February 24, 2022
Plaintiffs Alma Fidela Cercas of California, and Kaitlyn Nakagoshi of Florida, and Judy Anne Grause of Virginia, filed a class action lawsuit accusing Ambry Genetics Corp. of exposing their personal data and protected health information, along with 230,000 other patients.
The genetic testing provider allegedly neglected to implement industry security standards, leading to a cybersecurity incident involving unauthorized access to an employee’s email account between January 2 and 24, 2020. The company failed to notify patients of the data breach for three months.
The plaintiffs are represented by M. Anderson Berry and Leslie Guillon of Clayeo C. Arnold, A Professional Law Corp.; Daniel D. Robinson, Wesley K. Polischuk, and Michael W. Olson of Robinson Calcagnie, Inc.; and Jean Martin, John A. Yanchunis and Ryan J. McGee of Morgan & Morgan Complex Litigation Group. The case was filed on April 23, 2020 in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.
Alma Fidela Cercas, et al. v. Ambry Genetics Corp., Case No. 8:20-cv-00791-CJC-KES, in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.
If you received a NOTICE OF DATA BREACH, you will be included automatically in the class unless you opt out and no further action will be required by you. Class members have a passive role throughout class action litigation. If the lawsuit is successful, all class members receive equal compensation, regardless of the degree of harm they suffered. Call the data breach lawyers at the Arnold Law firm to discuss your potential case.
Call us today at (916) 777-7777.
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